Attack on Avrupa Türk-Islam Birligi (ATIB) branch

Kassel, 19 may 2022

In the night of May 18-19, we attacked the business and office premises of the Turkish-Islamic Cultural Association of Europe (Avrupa Türk-Islam Birligi, ATIB) in Kassel with stones and paint.

The ATIB association “Türkisches Kulturzentrum Kassel e. V.” is located at Franzgraben 58. ATIB is a split-off of the ADÜTDF (Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu) and is one of the umbrella organizations of the associations and organizations of the fascist “Grey Wolves”. As a result of the split, ATIB mainly concentrates on supposedly non-political activities, for example in rather inconspicuous associations for sports, culture or tea rooms. However, neither ATIB founder Musa Serdar Celebi nor the association itself has broken with the racist, nationalist and Islamist agenda.
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